Values and Guiding Principles

Smiling woman signing her child in at front desk while Dad holds preschool girl behind her.
Adapted from the Parent Ambassador Implementation Guide

Our Values

  • Families bring truth to public policy and are invaluable to civic discourse.  
  • Parents and caregivers are leaders in their families, programs, and communities.  
  • Parents and caregivers are not a problem to be fixed, rather they are assets with inherent value.   
  • Parents and caregivers are the drivers of the solutions to societal problems that impact families.  
  • Every parent or caregiver starts in a different place and has a different trajectory.   
  • Every parent or caregiver owns their own story.  

Our Guiding Principles

Programs will foster opportunities for family members to share their stories that are intentional, respectful, and benefit the parent as much or more than the program itself. 
  • Programs will avoid and advocate against tokenism.  
  • Programs will identify and provide opportunities for shared power and family voice.   
  • Family voice will be included from the beginning and throughout the process of change, not as an afterthought.   
  • The development and integration of family leadership strategies are built on a foundation of strong family engagement and racial equity.   
  • Staff and family members meet each other where they are.  
  • Listening, respect (of time, perspectives), and relationships are key.  
  • Programs will embrace and honor diversity to foster belonging.   
  • Programs will offer a variety of equitable and accessible methods for families to voice their experience and expertise.   
  • Programs will recognize, accept, and address mistakes in order to evolve and improve.  

In using these values and guiding principles, this infographic provides examples of ways to advocate in partnership with families on a continuum from family engagement to family-led policy and advocacy.