Our Approach
Building on a long history of Network family leadership efforts, experiences, and data, in 2023, Network family leaders and staff developed key components of the Building Family Leadership approach in order to guide and inform family leadership efforts across the Educare Network. Together, we continue our efforts in service of ensuring all young children and families—across the Educare Network and beyond—can thrive.

Our approach to building family leadership is organized into these four core areas:
Key components that create, strengthen, or expand capacity for family leadership efforts
Family Supports
Access to supports that promote or enhance the participation of families in policy and advocacy or other leadership efforts
Equitable and inclusive policies and practices that break down barriers created by systemic and institutional racism and honor families' lived experiences
Community Partnerships
Strong partnerships with families and community organizations to provide support, reveal leadership, and expand capacity for family-led policy and other family leadership efforts

Building Family Leadership is an ongoing process. The following levels can be used to guide continuous improvement and growth across the core areas.
Beginning or at the planning stage
Implementation of some best practices
Majority of best practices are fully implemented