
The Educare Network extends our heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated partners and funders who enabled the development of this collection.
Their invaluable leadership, from co-developing the original recommendations to providing pivotal thought partnership throughout the process has driven the creation of this dynamic microsite that we hope brings to life this ongoing work. Together, we will continue to advance stronger family leadership practices and grow our collective impact on behalf of all young children and families.
We recognize and appreciate the primary authors of this collection, including the Educare Network members who served on the Family Leadership Steering Committee and Family Leadership Resources Workgroup, as well as the conveners of these groups—Educare Central Maine and Educare Seattle.
Family Leadership Steering Committee
- Tatjyana Elmore / School Director, Educare Atlanta
- Stanley Harewood / Washington State Parent Ambassador
- Rhonda Kaiser / School Director, Educare Central Maine
- Quentin Brown / Executive Director, Educare Lincoln
- Mary-Gene Rumery / Maine Parent Ambassador
- Lori Pittman / Early Learning & K to 12 Policy, Advocacy and Government Relations, Puget Sound Educational Service District, Educare Seattle
- Kristen Holzinger / Project Consultant
- Jessica Cote / Maine Parent Ambassador
- Demi Siskind / Research Scientist, Start Early/Educare National Coordinating Office
- Amanda Stein / Managing Director of Research and Evaluation, Start Early/Educare National Coordinating Office
Family Leadership Resources Workgroup
- Jontice Small / District of Columbia Family Leader
- Jennifer Rodriguez / Maine Parent Ambassador
- Jaedah Lewis / Oklahoma Family Leader
- Esther Alicea / Massachusetts Family Leader
- Stanley Harewood / Washington State Parent Ambassador
- Kristen Holzinger / Project Consultant
- Mary-Gene Rumery / Maine Parent Ambassador
Special thanks to our funders who made this project financially possible.