Top Recommendations
Feedback gathered from across the Educare Network indicates the following recommendations are of greatest priority in our efforts to build family leadership.
Priority recommendations identified for the Educare Network:
- Include families, from the beginning, in development and decision-making forums and Network development opportunities, including the annual Educare Network Meeting.
- Provide financial and other resources that remove barriers to parent participation (food, childcare, expenses, etc.) and compensate parents equitably for their expertise and skills.
- Establish a family leadership steering committee composed of primarily family leaders with a few Network staff liaisons to inform/guide the work of Network.
- Continue to support Parent Ambassador initiatives, which offer valuable insights to the network about family engagement, leadership, and advocacy.
- Build/join coalition among other family leadership organizations and initiatives such as UPLAN, Parent Nation, Strolling Thunder, Fathers, Families & Healthy Communities, etc. Define Educare Network’s unique value add or point of view as part of a potential coalition.
Priority recommendations identified for Educare Schools:
- Identify and prioritize resources for family leadership.
- Use Parent Engagement and Leadership Assessment (PELA) with a multidisciplinary team (including families) to support goal setting, action planning, and intentional implementation of improvement plans.
- Provide funds to prevent or address unforeseen circumstances to avert family crisis (emergency funds).
- Co-create and share clear messaging about boundaries, ethics, and behavioral expectations for staff and families when they are representing the organization.
- Provide clear and respectful messaging about the use of agency funds.
- Support a network of peer-to-peer outreach to develop and sustain family leadership within an organization.